Welcome to Oglesby Baseball 2025(IV Baseball League)

News Detail


Aug, 2021

Fall Ball Registration Now Open till 8/22

We are going to be having 2 teams for Fall Ball, the age groups are 10 through 12 and 7 through 9. This is for the league age for the 2021 Season. The games will be on Friday's and Sunday's. The games will start after Labor Day and run through Mid-November weather permitting. The teams will play against teams from LaSalle, Peru and Utica.

Kids will be limited to a max of 2 innings pitched per game as the goal is instruction and to get this kids extra playing time.

Registration fee is $25 for Fall. The registration will be open until 8/22. Coaches will contact the kids after that date. All kids have to have played in Summer for Oglesby Little League, if you child did not play this summer they are not eligible to play Fall Ball as this is Little League sanctioned.

Log in to your account to see program options.

Any questions please contact a board member.

Local Sponsors

Oglesby Boys Baseball( IV Baseball League)

Oglesby Baseball, P.O. Box 135
Oglesby, Illinois 61348

Phone: 804-572-3861

Email: [email protected]